New Buildings – Cybersecurity by Design
New Buildings – Cybersecurity by Design
This service makes it possible to introduce cybersecurity in all phases of the building of a new ship or offshore platform, from the request for tenders to suppliers to the delivery of the vessel. It is a process in which all IT and operation systems (OT) are analysed. It involves all construction stakeholders: manufacturers and suppliers, integrators, shipyard, shipowner and certifier.

How do I start implementing cyber security in my fleet? , do I have to do everything at once ?, is it not enough with the protections our IT team has put in place? These are some of the questions most frequently asked by our customers.
In order to know what actions to take, it is necessary to study the security status of each ship or facility, along with the cybersecurity needs and objectives to be established.
Aeromarine offers its customers a planning of the actions to be carried out in the short, medium and long term, so that they can be structured according to the available budget.
Depending on each case, we can offer a wide range of services including:

Creation of a Vessel Cybersecurity Plan
Preparation of the cybersecurity plan to comply with IMO regulation MSC428(98).
The service includes the creation of the inventory of IT and OT assets, risk analysis of all assets, measures and controls to be adopted and a contingency plan procedure in the event of cyber-attacks.

On-board Equipment Vulnerability Study
Study of the documentation of on-board equipment. The objective is to detect the weak points of the systems implemented on board and their integration. It makes it possible to discard equipment and prepare a test protocol to be carried out on the vessel or site under study.

Cybersecurity Audit
On-site study of the systems previously studied and of those for which no previous information has been available. It allows checking whether the vulnerabilities studied in the documentation are resolved or not. It includes a penetration test. Once completed, a report of actions to be corrected in the short, medium and long term is delivered.
Advance Cybersecurity and Intelligence Services
Advance Cybersecurity and Intelligence Services
In addition to services aimed at implementing a cyber security baseline, we offer more specific and specialised advanced services to address specific needs.

Threat Hunting
Tailored proactive searches, based on known patterns

Ransomware Resilience
Simulation to validate procedures, tools and skills

Forensic Analysis
Origin of infection, infected assets, activities carried out….

Digital Surveillance
Monitoring of company information in open networks

Malware Analysis
Research, collection and classification of IoC indicators of compromise on threats.

Digital Trace
search for available information, economic, social, psychological, ideological… on a person or a company

Threat Modelling
Service that creates customised malware for defence and attack teams Training

Intelligence Dissemination
Report on global and regional threats and interests affecting a company
Training – The Key to Spreading Company Cybersecurity Policies
Training – The Key to Spreading Company Cybersecurity Policies
Around 80% of cyber incidents are of internal origin. They are caused by company staff due to lack of knowledge, human error, lack of professionalism or even dissatisfaction.
In order to try to reduce the number of such incidents, it is necessary to train all workers in the safety procedures established by the company.
Awareness-raising courses
Tailor-made courses to explain users the threats in their environment. The contents prepare them to be cyber-responsible at work. The main vulnerabilities that can affect a ship and the barriers and procedures in place to avoid them are reviewed
Awareness-raising Senior Management
One-hour session covering: the importance of cybersecurity in the maritime sector, the legal framework, who might be interested in attacking us and why, and cyber defence strategies. The aim is to involve management in the strategy and definition of cybersecurity policies
Real Case Study of On-board Equipment
Training course on industrial cybersecurity. Exposure of practical cases in sensitive systems on a ship. The aim is twofold: to improve the level of cybersecurity of the workforce and their involvement in projects to improve cybersecurity systems in their workplace